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- Expert (Amino chelated)
Expert (Amino chelated)
Bio Fungicide
Expert is Amino chelated formulations of living organisms that are used to control the activity of plant pathogenic fungi and bacteria. These microorganisms produce a wide range of antibiotic substances, parasitize other fungi, compete with other fungi, and induce localized or systemic resistance in plants.
- Expert directly control soil-borne fungal pathogens like Rhizoctonia, Phytophthora, Fusarium, and Sclerotinia. Expert controls foliar pathogens, such as the fungal pathogens powdery mildew, Botrytis, and Sclerotinia and the bacterial pathogens Erwinia and Xanthomonas.
- Controlling parasitic infections like Furarium , Blast, Root Rot, Wilt, Tikka, Root-Rot, Rhizome Rot, Wilt, Leaf Spots, Sheath Blight, Sheath Rot, Powdery Mildew, Downy Mildews, Red Rot, Damping Off and other Fungal Diseases and so on.
- Develops immunity & self defensive system in plant.
- Expert can promote greater phosphate availability, which results in early vigor, better greater stress tolerance ability.
Packing:- 250ml, 500 ml & 1 ltr.